Keep Devices Secure with Password Best Practices

As part of routine auditing, Information Security has discovered that device passwords are often written out and taped directly to devices. These passwords are also very easy to guess. Access to device passwords puts Providence data and systems at risk, allowing for unauthorized access to be easily obtained. We need your help to address this problem!

Providence has requirements around password length and complexity. Passwords must have at least 10 characters created from a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and symbols. Passwords should also be complex, meaning they are not actual phrases or words that are easy to guess. Find out more about our Password Best Practices.

Password management tool

Of course, in our world of technology, you may be experiencing some password fatigue. To help, Providence has an approved password management tool call Password Safe. Password manager tools provide an easier way for caregivers to create long and complex passwords without having to remember them all. When using a password manager program, most people will only need to remember two passwords – their Providence network login and the master password for the password management tool.

Password Safe is available through the Software Center. Find out more about it, and password best practices, on the Information Security SharePoint site.

What you need to do now

If you currently have your password taped somewhere on your device, even on the back of it, take action today to reset your password.

You can now reset your network password and unlock your accounts with the self-service network password management tool. Set up your Security Questions and Answers at Refer to How to update Security Questions in SailPoint for more information. 

If you’d like to take advantage of the password management tool, Password Safe, you can download it from the Software Center.

To access the Software Center, type Software Center in the search window found at the bottom left corner of your menu bar.

More information

Password requirements, along with additional information, can be found in PSJH-EIS 953 Access Control Policy953.01 Access Control Standard and PSJH-EIS-953.02 Password Management Standard​​​​​​​. 

If you have any questions about device passwords, password managers, or other security related issues, please contact