November was an eventful month at Providence India. IS & RESO executive leadership, B.J. Moore, Rick Stover, Adam Zoller, and Doug Lewis, plus CHRO for Shared Services & Growth, Kellie Sheldon, plus extended IS leadership team members Mike Ratliff, Johnson Apacible, Ryan Klein, Manan Kakkar, Anand Chetanwala, Kelly Nunez, and Edward Gumbrecht visited Hyderabad, India to meet with PGC caregivers from their respective teams and to get to know them better. This was the first leadership team visit after the establishment of the Providence Global Center (PGC) in February 2020.
During the visit, Murali Krishna, PGC SVP and Country Manager, and the PGC leadership team covered overall business updates from Providence India in the leadership team and extended leadership team sessions, and discussed priorities and potential opportunities for the future.
B.J.’s meet and greet session with the newly-hired college graduates was well-received. In this session, B.J. shared his early career experiences and answered interesting questions, ranging from his first job ever, his success mantra, career choices, to the importance of making mistakes in life. Kellie shared an overview of Shared Services with the extended leadership team.
PGC tech teams B.J. and the other leaders on a walkthrough of the Tech Lab and Mission Control Center, including a live demo of a system prototype interacting with a remote monitoring device. Tech Lab initiatives are primarily classified into niche proof-of-concepts, bolt-on-solutions, accelerators, and patterns/practices.
In parallel, the IS TEO, Information Security, Administrative Technology pillar, as well as HR also had their respective business reviews and town halls.
The week ended with PGC’s largest-yet town hall event, with 220+ caregivers at the venue and 160+ online via Teams. The town hall featured Murali and B.J. address caregivers on the India journey and the way forward, while Kellie shared the HR strategy and launched a PGC rewards and recognition program.
This was truly a visit that presented caregivers with great excitement for the future and some memorable moments.
More info
Check out the November 17 Open Forum recording for photos and insights from the trip, as shared by Murali and Rick.