Q4 Nominating Period for IS & RESO EVP Awards Now Open

As shared on our November 17, 2021 IS & RESO Open Forum, the nominating period for the quarterly cycle of our IS & RESO-wide award is now open through Friday, December 17.

With IS & RESO as one organization under the unified leadership of B.J. Moore, EVP/CIO, the IS & RESO SMIle quarterly peer nomination award program was introduced at the start of 2021. The quarterly peer-nominated award recognizes business achievements of both individuals and teams who live our Providence Values, lead with excellence, and demonstrate the Simplify, Modernize, Innovate principles, so crucial to the success of our combined organization.

Nominate now, through December 17

Please visit the IS & RESO Awards site to see full details and the nomination form.

Q4 winners will be selected in late-December and notified right after the New Year. They’ll then be honored on our January 19, 2022 IS & RESO Open Forum.