Chapman Clinic, Orange, California. Elaine Cook, design and construction manager
This specialty clinic expansion project consisted of 4,685 square feet and involved 10 exam rooms and four procedure rooms supporting dermatology, internal medicine, a Coumadin clinic, and diagnostics.
The clinic, which re-opened for patients on August 23, 2021, had been a legacy Heritage layout design and is the first Heritage suite to open using the Providence finishes and furniture standards.
“I am truly impressed at how you all make these projects and go-lives come together so beautifully! I got a chance to visit the Chapman 3rd floor this week and the patients, doctors and caregivers were happily working away in their new beautiful suite. We dreamed of this expansion over three years ago and to see it come to life is such a pleasure. Thank you for all that you do to ease the way of our patients, caregivers and doctors!” shares Beth Nunn, COO, St. Joseph and St. Jude Heritage Medical Group.