In early 2021, IS Network Services rolled out a wireless network called ProvidenceCaregiver as the primary standard wi-fi connection for devices managed by IS, as well as personal devices. Now that ProvidenceCaregiver is live at all Providence ministries and locations, we are moving onto the next phase of the project, which is decommissioning legacy wireless networks, starting with prov.employee and phscorp.
Why is this happening?
Establishing consistent network names at all Providence locations will help ease the way for our caregivers, patients, and guests in connecting devices (laptop, mobile, tablet, and personal devices) to wireless networks, allowing for seamless wireless connectivity when visiting any Providence facility.
When is this happening?
IS Network Services will decommission legacy networks according to this schedule:
• April 14, 2021: prov.employee decomissioned
• April 28, 2021: phscorp decommissioned
• TBD: phsinternal, phsemployee, etc. decomissioned
What do I need to do?
For devices (personal or Providence-issued) that are still connecting to legacy wi-fi networks like prov.employee or phscorp, you will need to connect to the ProvidenceCaregiver network. Connect to this network with the same credentials you use for your regular computer login.
Look at available wi-fi networks on the device, and you should see ProvidenceCaregiver in the list of available networks at any Providence location.
When connecting, yo
When connecting, you may be prompted to accept a certificate; accept or trust the certificate and continue. The experience will be different depending on the type of device you are using:
Apple device certificate acceptance
Windows laptops and tablets may prompt with the following — Connect and continue.
Android devices do not need to validate certificates, so click “Don’t validate.”
More info
Visit the Consolidating Wireless Network Names page on the OneTeam site for instructions on how to connect your personal device to the ProvidenceCaregiver network.
For additional assistance, please contact the AskIT Service Desk.