We again had over 1,800 caregivers join our Wednesday, March 26 Open Forum, during which our IS & RESO executives covered a wide variety of timely topics.
- An inspiring reflection from Sister Susanne Hartung, Chief Mission Integration Officer for Shared Services, who also introduced two regional Mission leads on her team
- Update and end of first quarter perspective from B.J. Moore, EVP/CIO
- Check in on the latest COVID-19 statistics from Dr. Michael Marino, SVP/CMIO, Clinical Informatics and IS Strategic Partners, as well as an update on state-by-state vaccination progress and outreach from Tabitha Lieberman, SVP, Clinical & Revenue Cycle Applications
- Caregiver-led Mission Ambassador work out of Spokane and Everett/Mill Creek, WA
- An introduction by Murali Krishna, SVP/Country Manager, Providence Global Center, to our new India-based Mission lead for our Hyderbad caregivers in PGC
- A more detailed update on the latest from the IS & RESO Clinical Engineering teams collaborating on a single service model for CE (Chris Briggs, GVP, IS Strategic Technology Enablement, Susan Gillespie, exec. director, RESO Operations, and Nick Sumner, Manager, CE manager
- An update on our IS 2020 Strategic Focus of moving toward an integrated enterprise resource planning system with Genesis from Guarav Dhiman, AVP, Enterprise Business Applications, and a preview of their testing and early communications, including the introduction video recently promoted through IS & RESO and the rest of the enterprise
Caregiver questions were addressed on ourĀ Open Forum Yammer group.