Jan. 7 IS & RESO Open Forum

We had over 1,800 caregivers join our Tuesday, December 1 Open Forum Our IS & RESO executives covered a wide range of timely topics.

  • Progress on our system-wide vaccination rollout, tools, and surge readiness
  • Overview from B.J. Moore, IS & RESO EVP/CIO on key 2020 milestones
    2020 IS & RESO priorities and key areas of RESO collaboration with IS
    Recognition of Q4 2020 CFO Award winners and finalists
  • Update on the work of RESO to support the opening of Grace Surgical Hospital
  • Update on the integration of Northern California facilities management under RESO
  • Update on the collaboration between RESO and IS on Clinical Engineering service delivery model optimization
  • Overview of our new enterprise print program for supporting the Modern Workplace
  • An introduction of three of our IS interns

Caregiver questions were addressed on our Open Forum Yammer group, as well as in the Q&A panel of our Teams live event.

View the recording: You no longer need to wait for a link on Yammer or IS Update to re-watch IS Open Forums. Within an hour of a recording, you can re-watch past Open Forums

Follow these steps:

  1. Go into the meeting invite for a past Open Forum
  2. Click into the link to the Teams live event
  3. When it pops open your browser window, click “View on the web”
  4. Click to “Join anonymously”

The recording should start playing for you immediately. (Will only work in “live events” like Open Forum.)

View the presentation deck in slide form.