Telecom Support Transitions to Combined EUS and Outsourced Managed Service Model

On July 27, 2020, PSJH transitioned to a managed service model for telecom support tickets. While basic hands-on telecom tasks will continue to be supported by EUS Desktop (formerly FTS), some of the more technical back-end tasks are now supported by our vendor partner, Cerium. Cerium is a long-term vendor partner of both Providence and legacy St. Joseph Health, and has supported IS since 2004.

Many of our IS telecom engineers formerly in TEO have transitioned to work for Cerium and will continue to support PSJH. This allows us to retain some of our historical and technical knowledge. The Cerium team will be augmented by additional support in the Philippines, expanding our coverage to 24 hours a day, five days a week. Caregiver support for major incidents (MIs) will continue to be on the same 24 hours a day, seven days a week basis.

Informal requests via email or direct communication with telecom engineers will no longer be accepted. Please ensure you have made your request via ServiceNow to have a request number/ticket assigned before escalating with your designated service director, strategic partner, or directly with the Service Desk for escalations. All telecom-related requests must come through ServiceNow.

We are continuing to find ways to improve the caregiver experience around our telecom services. Transitioning hands-on telecom support to the EUS organization is a logical step in standardizing the caregiver experience.

In combination with outsourcing the engineering support to a telecom vendor who will be actively working on tickets 24 hours a day, five days a week, we believe this new model will increase our service level and decrease our costs. The efficiencies gained by using the EUS organization in conjunction with an outsourced managed service, allows IS to focus on other initiatives that modernize, automate, and improve our caregiver experience across the enterprise.

Telecom support will be largely the same for regular support tasks. The Enterprise Telco Engineering core team is capturing all efforts for projects that are in flight past July 24. Cerium managed services will also review these efforts and will get a work order cost and time estimate ready to be shared with the requestor before creating a purchase order.

Types of efforts that will be covered by the EUS org and the Cerium managed service agreement.

If you have a telecom related request that is pending, please confirm that it is in ServiceNow. If it is a request or incident in ServiceNow then no further action is needed. If it is not in ServiceNow, please be sure to submit a request using the following methods:

  • Contact the Service Desk who will submit a ticket for you, or,
  • Submit a ticket using the ServiceNow Self Service Portal. Please note that a general telecom service catalog offering is in development. For now, please follow these steps:
    • Go to the ServiceNow Self Service Portal
    • Click on “Browse Services”
    • Select “I can’t find what I need”
    • Fill out your request (Please be sure to attach all emails or supporting documentation to the ticket).

If you have a work effort that will require a purchase order, please identify the person in your business unit responsible for your cost center and is able to help coordinate that purchase order.

Cerium Networks Inc. is a listed vendor in both legacy SJH and PSH vendor management systems.

More Information

For any telecom questions please reach out to Enterprise Telco Engineering via Yammer or Teams.