Active Directory Migration Coming to Shared Services

Active Directory migration is a pre-requisite step for Epic deployment, modernizing the back-end infrastructure for all of Providence St. Joseph Health. As part of these efforts, the Active Directory (AD) Consolidation Project is moving caregivers onto a new, standardized domain. Our goal is to significantly improve service levels and enhance user experience while decreasing the long-term operational management, support, and maintenance costs of our current two separate domains. 

When will this occur?

Legacy SJH Shared Services departments will be the next set of caregivers migrated to the new AD.PROVIDENCE domain. The project team is using a phased approach to move computer login accounts and workstations:

  • Shared Services HR Pilot & IS Pilot: April 2020
  • Shared Services Southern California: May 2020
  • Shared Services Texas/New Mexico: May 2020
  • Shared Services Northern California and Virtual caregivers: May 2020
  • Shared Services Make-Up Waves: June 2020

What can caregivers expect? 

Once migrated, Shared Services caregivers will use their existing computer/network login and password to log into workstations as they do today. The domain change will not alter the way caregivers currently log into computers/laptops at their normal location.

What will change:

  • The initial logon to applications through Azure (O365, One Drive, ServiceNow, etc.)
  • Login using your new domain User Principle Name (UPN) –
  • Caregivers who access applications with will now login with
  • PSJH-supported mobile devices (smartphones and tablets):
    • Your mail and calendar will re-synchronize after the first time you login. Please be patient.
    • A new logon screen wallpaper will be provided to all workstations (including PC, laptops, EasyPass devices) after the migration.

Multi-Site Caregivers – Caregivers who travel or roam from one ministry to another:

  • When the workstations at a ministry have been migrated but not the user accounts, login using SJHS-NT\ComputerLogin
  • When the user accounts at a ministry have been migrated but not the workstations, login using AD\ComputerLogin

 What will not change:

  • Receiving/sending email to your org e-mail address will not change.
  • Computer logins and passwords will not change.
  • Access to AD authenticated applications will not change.
  • Contacting the AskIT Service Desk will not change.
  • Accessing WiFi will not change.

Contacts and Resources

Visit SJH Ad Migration site for details

For more information, please email