B.J. Shares COVID-19 Travel Guidance and to Continue Work from Normal Locations

Last Wednesday, March 4, CIO B.J. Moore shared his message about how PSJH system-wide restrictions on non-essential travel apply to all but select IS projects, where your senior core leadership may have communicated other expectations. Currently, our system guidance is to also continue normal practice with regards to work attendance and location.

See B.J.’s note on top of the memo from Mike Butler, President of Operations & Strategy for PSJH.

System communications (via the InOurCircle alias) is sharing daily updates on the COVID-19 response, so please look for those for guidance during this rapidly unfolding situation.

Other resources include:

PSJH internal COVID-19 update site

PJSH external COVID-19 informational site you can share with friends and family

IS internal COVID-19 Team (MS Teams) that you can join to keep up with the IS COVID-19 Command Center