After careful discernment and many high-level discussions, IS informed the PSJH executive council, then individual users, about the upcoming retirement of SmartSheets, a solution used in some parts of the enterprise as a collaboration and work management tool.
IS strongly believes our set of Modern Workplace/Microsoft O365 tools can accommodate all the use cases and functionality that SmartSheets users require. We’ll be working with these pockets of the organization to map their workflows to our rationalized/streamlined set of tools.
Caregivers who have embraced these new tools are reporting significant workflow improvements, particularly in the areas of collaboration and business productivity. The benefits of standardizing on a common, tightly-integrated and secure platform also contribute to the overall financial health of the organization.
TEO’s Collaboration & Program Operations team will be conducting discover sessions to understand how to transition groups that currently rely on SmartSheets and will implement a phased decommissioning schedule to migrate lower-impact users first, while allowing adequate time to accommodate more complex scenarios.
More information
Read the Dec. 12, 2019 leadership memo from CIO B.J. Moore regarding the change.
Please contact Ryan Klein, VP collaboration & program operations with any questions.