New Enterprise Print Group Drives Cost Reductions

CTO and TEO SVP Rick Stover recently shared a memo with regional and shared service leadership and finance officers sharing that we have created an enterprise print group within TEO’s field technical services group to identify significant cost reductions across the numerous regional vendors we use for our printing hardware and services.

A kickoff meeting between IS, PSJH Resource, Engineering & Hospitality Group (formerly Supply Chain), and Finance was held on October 14.

The next step in shaping PSJH’s print strategy will be to notify vendors that we are starting this activity. Emails are being sent to our current MPS providers requesting their assistance in gathering information and introducing our partners for this work, Print Operations Group (POG). This analysis will involve active participation from all current print hardware and print service providers. Once the baseline information has been collected, an analysis will be completed to identify opportunities for cost reductions.

A new enterprise print strategy will allow us to achieve economies of scale and best pricing and contract terms than with the current print contracts inherited from legacy organizations. Streamlining our print environment will also enable our ministries, caregivers, and clinics to keep pace with changing business needs for print service and enable:

  • Caregivers to print easily and securely at necessary locations
  • Transparency for leaders on the current cost of our printing environment and opportunities for cost savings
  • A simpler process for ordering printing equipment and supplies across our ministries

Targets for the project include capturing cost reduction opportunities, establishing an enterprise-wide print policy, and developing a baseline of current print service contracts by Q12020, with an eventual goal of standardizing to a single provider across PSJH.

More information

Please reach out to Sara Iodice, director of enterprise print, with any questions.