Caregiver end users across St. Mary’s High Desert Medical Group clinical and administrative locations in Southern California are receiving notifications from IS about the upcoming waves of Active Directory Domain Consolidation impacts affecting their system access and PC environment.
Active Directory Domain Consolidation initiative is a migration project to consolidate users and resources onto a new domain (AD.PROVIDENCE.ORG). The St. Mary’s Wound Center pilot on October 11, 2019, as well as October waves 1 and 2 are the first waves of AD domain consolidation that begin to take legacy St. Joseph Health onto a shared domain configuration and help us complete our integration.

AD consolidation impacts the following:
- New PC wallpaper – Devices that have been migrated to the new domain will have new wallpaper
- Citrix Portal – New icon will be deployed and link will change
- Mobility (iPhone & Android) – The new domain configuration will need to be manually installed.
- Okta – UPN – If a Caregiver logs in using, it will become
- PMM/PFM – Password process will change
AD consolidation DOES NOT impact:
- Login – Computer Logins and passwords will not change
- Email – Receiving/sending email to your e-mail address will not change
More information
Please reach out to Bobbie Tinkler, Sr. Technology Analyst, IS infrastructure and applications, for more information.