B.J. Steps Into the Hospital of the Future

CIO B.J. Moore had the opportunity to accompany Hang Hsu, MD, NorCal executive director of clinical medical informatics, and Tiffany Strango, NorCal executive director of clinical nursing informatics, on a recent clinical site visit to Northern California’s Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.

Click to view video of B.J. operating the da Vinci Surgical System to perform a procedure on a dummy chest cavity with the remote-operated pincers. (Courtesy of Kang Hsu, MD)

B.J. donned his scrubs and operated Santa Rosa’s da Vinci robotic surgical system. Da Vinci becomes the hands of the surgeon—the tiny instruments move like a human fingers, but with greater range of motion. The greatest benefit is for the patient who undergoes a minimally invasive surgery.

While IS does not directly support this leading-edge surgical tech, it’s critical to see how robotics might integrate with the future of telehealth, EHR, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), and other emerging trends as we roadmap what a hospital site of the future might evolve to become.