The Scottsdale Institute (SI) is a non-profit organization of prominent healthcare systems designed to help members achieve clinical integration and transformation through information technology.
Benefits include building relationships with peers in other leading health organizations around IT challenges, sharing successes and lessons learned, and getting a glimpse of the future from peers and industry innovators.
As a member organization, PSJH has access to a wide range of resources, including frequent teleconferences and seminars. We encourage our IS caregivers to take advantage of them and share the knowledge.

Teleconferences: Free, unlimited sign-ups for upcoming teleconferences, as well as access to archived sessions from a wide range of expert topics. Visit > Teleconferences for upcoming topics.
Create your Scottsdale Institute Member Profile to participate and access all SI resources, including conferences, publications, health IT benchmarking and collaboratives. When creating your profile, you can select your areas of interest for receiving updates from the Institute.