Optimizing Our IS Intake Processes

Did you know IS fields over 1,200 requests for projects every year and then has to gain discernment/approval across about a half-dozen governance councils with various standards for decision-making? Then, as you probably are more aware, once approval occurs, our projects go through a complex series of hand-offs and 50+ intake activities, taking at least three to six months for intake to be formally completed.

B.J. and our leaders have heard loud and clear from both IS caregivers and our partners across the enterprise that we need to optimize the complex and inconsistent intake process for our technology projects.

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Under the leadership of GVP of IS Business & Consulting Services, Chris Briggs, our IS PPMO undertook “sensing sessions” throughout June to hear needs within IS and with our project clients to ascertain what we should focus on for optimizing intake, a timeline that can deliver some quick initial wins, and who should be participating in the optimization effort.

“We have built a cross-functional working team and steering committee to ensure that we have input from across the department,” shares Megan Campbell, Exec. Director of IS PPMO Intake & Operations. “A core team with members from IS Applications, Epic, TEO, HI, PPMO, Clinical Informatics, and Strategic Partners has been formed to work alongside Point B (our consulting partner) in this improvement effort.”

Learn more

See the Intake Improvement Plan overview with more details on the four focus areas and the timeline of how this work will unfold across the rest of 2019, including a pilot project to take through the optimized intake process by August.

Please contact Megan Campbell with any questions.