LAIP-Eligible Core Leaders: Goal Deadline Extended to March 15

A few weeks back, we shared information about our LAIP “Goal in Common” and how it will form part of all IS LAIP-eligible core leaders’ goals in 2019, as well as shared this critical budget target at our March 5 IS Town Hall.

Ensure that IS ends the year at, or better than, the 2019 IS operating budget target of $533.2 million (EBIDA).

For 2019, LAIP-eligible core leaders will enter this cross-IS goal as part of their four or give LAIP goals their core leader will use to evaluate their 2019 performance-based pay.

PSJH has twice extended the LAIP deadlines in SuccessFactors. The current extended deadlines are:

  • Friday, March 15 — LAIP participants must have submitted their LAIP goals in SuccessFactors for review by their direct manager
  • Friday, March 29 — Core leaders of LAIP participants must have reviewed and approved final LAIP goals for all eligible direct reports. This includes having the 1-up approver sign off on each goal form in SuccessFactors, having follow-up conversations to adjust goals if necessary, and resubmitting for final 1-up approval if changes are needed.


If you have further questions about LAIP, additional resources are available on the HR portal (LAIP menu) or in the SuccessFactors LAIP resources section. An on-demand version of the LAIP educational webinar is also available to view at any time. You may also contact your HR representative with questions.