On Thursday, February 21, caregivers on the Community Technologies team, along with Rachelle Yeates, IS Mission director, hosted a February birthday party for the residents of Seattle’s Providence Vincent House.
Community Technologies caregivers hosting the event included VP Lisa Johnson, operations manager Michelle Diego-Smith, exec. assistant Lisa Stuart, communications director Kelly Larson, and director of client services Kerry Sturgill. Other IS and Shared Services groups, such as IS Administrative & Management Services team, have also supported these monthly birthday parties.
The Community Technologies team all agreed it was a wonderful experience and enjoyed meeting and listening to the life stories of the residents. They also served cakes, ice cream, and fresh fruit, as well as played a highly-contested hot potato game.
The Vincent House is truly a testament to our Mission, supporting the poor and vulnerable and offering the heartfelt opportunity to make long-lasting and meaningful connections. Providence St. Joseph Health supportive housing ministries support elderly or disabled individuals or families who qualify as very low-income. Vincent House is a Providence ministry with 60 residents serving downtown Seattle, right next to the Pike Place Market.