PSJH IS won recognition in HealthCare’s Most Wired index for 2018. The index, founded by the American Hospital Association (AHA), and now administrated by CHIME, the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives, evaluates the IT departments of both hospitals and healthcare systems nationwide. The Most Wired honors received surveys/entries from over 647 and only 254 received the 2018 Most Wired benchmark status for using information technology to improve the patient experience.
The annual evaluation looks at everything from our security readiness, adoption of Meaningful Use criteria, wireless network support, payment infrastructure, networking infrastructure, data backup, and internal processes. While the win was specifically for benchmarking within legacy PHS, it is truly an all-IS accomplishment. Great work!
> See the Nov. 2 press release from CHIME and the Most Wired print insert that will run in Modern Healthcare and was distributed at last week’s CHIME18 Fall CIO Forum.